Hundreds of millions of dollars are raised annually in the United States every year in the name of breast cancer early detection and awareness, but a very small portion of this money (2-5%) is being allocated for Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC). Pam King and Gaye Hill are teaming up to help change the conversation, spread awareness and raise much needed money for MBC research.
In July 2015, at 48 years old, Pam was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer. She did everything the early detection/awareness campaigns said she was supposed to do, yet she fell in the 6-10% diagnosed initially Stage IV. While undergoing her first round of chemotherapy Pam began to learn everything possible about her disease, and was horrified at the disparity in research funding for MBC. Personally and professionally, Pam has spent her career relentlessly advocating for patients, and understands the importance of advancing research, education, and especially the strength of the patient voice. In January 2016, Pam turned that determination towards serving METAvivor by helping to establish a legislative agenda to increase research funding for Stage IV metastatic cancer on a national level. In the last 2½ years, Pam has undergone chemotherapy, a partial mastectomy, radiation, hormone therapy, and a targeted therapy. In November, after becoming resistant to treatment and because her cancer is an overachiever, it had mutated to the dreaded triple-negative type of metastatic breast cancer, the most aggressive and difficult to treat.
Gaye Hill, a cherished friend, has been by Pam's side throughout the ups and downs of receiving the grim diagnosis and the toxic treatments that followed. Pam believes that she might not have a lot of time but she does have HOPE for other Stage IV patients. Her hope is that METAvivor will achieve their goal and transition this disease from a terminal disease to a controlled, permanently survivable condition with a decent quality of life. However, this can only happen if we achieve a minimum of 30% funding for MBC research.
Gaye shares that hope. In a career working in various capacities with various non-profit organizations, she knows people are most likely to make a donation when they have a personal connection to a cause. This rally is being driven to help people make that connection. Many know someone who has died of breast cancer; that person died because of MBC. The research that METAvivor promotes and funds can prevent deaths and increase the quality of life for those living with MBC. This is a cause worth supporting. Won't you share this hope and support Drive4StageIV by making a donation to METAvivor?
Pam King's and Gaye Hill's husbands, Chris Pike and Jeff Urbina, are Endurance Rally veterans, having competed in various events over the past three years. They drove their 1957 Chevy in the longest vintage rally of them all, the 2016 Peking to Paris Rally, 8500 miles of the toughest roads in Asia and Europe. Jeff and Chris led their class until brake issues forced them to slow down.
In the TransAmerica Rally Jeff and Chris will be driving a 1936 Ford Cabriolet which has been purpose-built to compete in long distance rally events.
Jeff and Chris are driving to support their wives in their first rally, which Pam and Gaye are doing to help raise awareness and fund research for Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Chris and Jeff have both seen the toll that this disease takes not only on the one diagnosed, but also on the spouse, friends and family.
They will be there to change tires and check the oil for both cars, and raise the level of competition for everyone in the rally.
Team "Ruff"
Pike and King's English Cream Golden Retrievers Finn and Dodger, and Urbina and Hill's Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Gemma - will be along to support the girls with wagging tails wet noses. The daily updates for the race will be prepared from the unique doggie perspective of Team Ruff!
Team Bodacious
Good friends Tim and Peg Eades and Willie McNickle will drive a motor home and accompany the two driving teams the entire rally. Tim and Willie are also rally veterans, also competed in the rigorous 2016 Peking to Paris event. Peg is coming along to make sure they don't get lost and keep the peace.
We have now opened up support for "Virtual Teams". Take a photo of your team in front of your favorite car, and e-mail it to our webmaster. Please be sure to include "New Drive4StageIV Virtual Team" in the subject of your e-mail, and feel free to provide us with a brief description. Tell us what you'd like to use as your Virtual Team name. Your goal as a virtual team, will be to invite as many of your friends as possible to make a donation. 100% of all your donations will be allocated towards research. The minimum donation required for a virtual team is $100, payable here just before you send your photo and team information.
Connie and Frank, "Team GTO", are proud to be the first Drive4StageIV virtual team. We are very fond of Pam and Chris and would like to do everything we can to help support their efforts, including encouraging our friends and family to make donations to help find improved treatments for Metastatic breast cancer. Please join us at the kickoff on May 6th 2018!
Kenny and Meg Bell - we hope that our donation can help make a difference. Good luck to Pam, Chris, Gaye, Jeff, Tim, and Peg during the race!
Troyce, Sally, Sherry, Brenda and Lois - The HAE health team - We have weathered the healthcare system and we are classics! We are thrilled to be a part of your journey, and we are encouraging our friends to donate. We are supporting our biggest supporter! Pam has advocated for patients with HAE for over 10 years; a rare disease that before Pam's work - had no treatment - and now there are 6 therapies - in part due to her tirelessly advocating for others.
I am so very proud of Pam. Carol and I hope that this Rally is a great success. Good luck to Pam, Chris, Gaye, Jeff, Tim, and Peg during the race. Safe travels.
#drive4TeamG - JoEllen and Arthur, Charlie
Pam, sending you well-wishes and support for your up-coming trip. Wishing you all a safe journey!
Kay Barry is driving solo as hub (John Leathers Esq.) says I disobey traffic laws - especially the speed limit.
¡Ándale Pam! I hope all of you have a blast on Rally roads. To my friends and family, Pam King is a road warrior and METAvivor. Will you please contribute and support metastatic breast cancer (MBC) research?
Thank you!
#drive4TeamMG - Mark & Carol Leger
We are proud to be a Drive4StageIV virtual team. Good luck to Pam, Chris, Gaye, Jeff, Tim, and Peg, for a safe and memorable rally. We know our MG wouldn't make the trip from NH to RI! Here's to raising awareness and much needed funds for MBC research. - Cheers!
Janet, Saira, and Anna - The HAEA Scientific Registry team - We know how science can improve lives. We are revved for our Rav 4 to virtually go on this journey. And we are encouraging our friends to donate, too. We are all here for Pam. A heart of gold, a cancer warrior queen, a selfless advocate for patients with HAE and other rare diseases - to join her metastatic breast cancer fight, we can only reciprocate in a tiny way in comparison to all she has done for others. We are cheering and sending our love mile by mile!
Kaya loves to go for long car rides... and a road rally would be the greatest! She's sniffing for a cure for metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and hopes her human friends will support Pam and the rest of the community working to beat this horrible disease. Please donate to MBC Research and help Kaya sniff out a cure! Enjoy the rally, the beautiful scenery, and make time to hang your head out of the window and feel the sun on your face and the breeze in your ears!
Geoffrey Turner (in photo) and Nancy Van Devanter (taking photo). We look forward to following your progress. Good luck to you all, puppies included!
Jim, Tammi and Benji - We are racing for a cure for MBC. Pam is our bravest friend in this fight against this dreadful disease. We wish safe travels to Pam, Chris, Gaye, Jeff, Tim, Peg, Willie, Finn, Dodger and Gemma on this journey. We love you Pam!
Leslie Harkins and Joan Hall have named their team after Schooner my precious Bouvier- Finn and Dogger's best buddy who went to doggie heaven last summer. So pups you have a Guardian Dog Angel. Schooner has crossed the country several times in a car and will be following and watching over the boys and Pam and Gaye and Jeff and Chris. Safe Travels. Pam you are amazing and have a heart of gold.
Over the years (and races), Tim and Peggy Eades have gotten the chance to build an incredible friendship with Pam King. Through their stories, the entire Eades family has gotten to know, love, and appreciate the drive and stamina Pam has exhibited, specifically in regards to her battle with the enormous challenge she is facing. Her tenacity and determination to improve the chances for others that face this disease only demonstrates further the value she brings to the world and what a treasure she truly is. Here's to a speedy race, not only for Pam and Gaye, but also towards finding a cure for Metastatic Breast Cancer. Thank you Pam, for continuing to drive this forward to the finish line! ~ The Eades Family ~ Tim, Peggy, Bridget, Brandon, Ford, Reid, Patrick, Sarah, Leon, and Tucker

Margaret Barry - I'm proud to support Pam along with both of my sisters. Wishing her and all the other drivers a smooth cruise to the finish line and a cure for this horrible disease soon! ¡Siempre adelante y nunca atrás, Pam!
For over 2 decades, Tricia, Leigh, Kia and Noah have all been inspired by Pam's passion and determination for those living with rare disorders. While we were in Vienna this week, we started our journey to help DRIVE research 4stageIV. Thanks Pam, for all you do, and for helping to find a cure for Metastatic Breast Cancer! Safe Travels! XO
Noah, Kia, Leigh & Tricia
Colleen DeCourcy and Nick Skovran will Ride with You and will be seeing you in New Orleans! Congratulations and Good Luck on your journey.
Jan and Jim, and our handsome boy Buckley support your efforts whole heartedly. Safe travels and Buckets of love to you all!
Best wishes to everyone in this event, and hoping awareness About MBC is raised. Pam has already accomplished amazing things and will continue to do more... she's a true warrior.
Donny and Monty will be cheering the whole way from home. Only Monty made the picture because… Somebody had to take it!
Finn Scime is still a puppy so he can't join the cross country trek, but he sends well-wishes. Have a safe journey, and best wishes to to Pam, Chris and the rest of team!
Ianice, Jenny, John, Michelle and Mike are Team Engage4aCure! We're cheering for Pam and all other metastatic breast cancer patients. Team Engage4aCure is encouraging everyone we know to actively engage in supporting MBC Research - every dollar 100% of all donations go to MBC-specific research grants! Please donate today!
Team Mellor is driving for a cure with love and support for Pam King and everyone fighting this battle. We admire your strength and determination to raise awareness! All the best on your journey across the country!
Sarah, Mark, Hugo, Henry & Harry
The staff of Wolf Rock Animal Health Center has formed a virtual team.
We are all standing by our dear friends Pam and Chris, and Finn and Dodger.
Sending our love and looking forward to sharing our team link with the rest of our friends and families!